Summer heat can take a toll on your semi-truck, especially if you frequently drive long distances through hot and humid areas. The hot weather can impact your vehicle’s safety and efficiency and force you to seek expensive repairs. To skip the hassle, take proper maintenance measures and keep your rig running smoothly.

Here are a few hot weather maintenance tips for your semi-truck to keep it ready for your summertime endeavors. Read on to learn more, and for more information, contact Fyda Freightliner.

Inspect the Cooling System

The most important tip is to check your semi truck’s cooling system. This is one of the most crucial components of your vehicle, and you want to take extra care of it when driving in hot weather.

Start by checking the coolant and topping it off as needed. You also want to check the belts, hoses, and clamps to ensure their condition. This will help you prevent your rig from overheating and damaging the engine.

Monitor Tire Pressure

Hot weather can cause tire pressure to fluctuate, leading to uneven wear and reduced fuel efficiency. Therefore, inspect your tires before hitting the road and replace a bad tire immediately. Use a tire pressure gauge to check your air pressure and adjust the level to the manufacturer's recommendation.

Change the Oil

Next, change the oil in your semi truck’s engine and help prevent your machine from working extra hard during hot weather. Overheating can cause the oil to break down and lead to engine damage. Check your owner's manual for recommended mileage intervals and stick to them for the best results.

Maintain the Air Conditioning System

A reliable air conditioning system is essential for a comfortable ride during hot weather. That’s why you want to take all possible measures to keep your semi truck’s air conditioning system functional and efficient. Ideally, inspect the refrigerant level and top it off as needed. You also want to replace the cabin air filter regularly and let a professional mechanic handle any issues.

We hope you find these tips helpful when preparing your semi-truck for your summertime transportation projects. If you need more advice or want to upgrade your rig to the latest model, contact Fyda Freightliner. We proudly serve Kentucky, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, so reach out today!